Mustangserver 0.8.0

Mustangserver 0.8.0

Today, Monday, February 6th 2023, we published version 0.8.0 of our e-invoicing REST API service Mustangserver.

It adds support for reading and writing orders in Order-X using the format code “ox” in the operations invoice2xml, parse and extract. invoice2xml writes and parse reads JSON data for which the same structure like for invoices is used.

The validation of Order-X files using Mustangserver was already previously available.

Order-X is the sister format to Factur-X, while in Factur-X, invoices, corrections and credit memos can be expressed in a both human and machine readable way, Order-X does the same for orders. Currently the most recent version 1 of Order-X supports the profiles Basic, Comfort and Extended.