Mustangserver 0.7.0

On Montag, November 28th the oAuth-functionality in Mustangserver, announced for November, was published.

Affected are Docker and Inhouse installations only, ordinary access already previously
used oAuth on the API management.

New beta users, however, benefit from the self-registration introduced on November 19th.
Previously new users subscribed to the mailing list and subsequently received username and initial password, now they can sign up directly (by following this link and clicking “Create Account” on the bottom left) at the Mustangserver API Management, receive a confirmation link by E-Mail, can immediately login and are added to the mailing list later.

Mustang 2.5.7

Mustangproject version 2.5.7, released November 7th, 2022, works again in Java 1.8 and improves the validator (EN16931 checks are now also run on “Basic” profile) as well as the importer: ZF1 invoices can now be imported in the invoiceimporter and some getters were added to the ordinary importer.